Marichyasana (Marichi's Pose)
Marichi = literally means a ray of light (of the sun or moon). Marichi is the son of Brahma and chief of the Maruts ("shining ones"), the war-like storm gods. He's one of the seven (sometimes 10 or 12) seers (rishis) or lords of creation (prajapatis), who intuitively "see" and declare the divine law of the universe (dharma). Marichi is the great-grandfather of Manu ("man, thinking, intelligent"), the Vedic Adam and the "father" of humanity.
Marichi = literally means a ray of light (of the sun or moon). Marichi is the son of Brahma and chief of the Maruts ("shining ones"), the war-like storm gods. He's one of the seven (sometimes 10 or 12) seers (rishis) or lords of creation (prajapatis), who intuitively "see" and declare the divine law of the universe (dharma). Marichi is the great-grandfather of Manu ("man, thinking, intelligent"), the Vedic Adam and the "father" of humanity.
Step by Step
This Asana focuses on:
- Spine
- Hips
- Lower back
- Abdomen
- Massages abdominal organs, including the liver and kidneys
- Stretches the shoulders
- Stimulates the brain
- Relieves mild backache and hip pain
- Strengthens and stretches the spine
Contraindications and Cautions
Serious back or spine injury: Perform this pose only with the supervision of an experienced teacher. Also avoid this pose if you have:
- High or low blood pressure
- Migraine
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Insomnia
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